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Register for a trade account below:

To view Hill Interiors current wholesale prices and place orders you must first register with us. Simply complete the form below and click the ‘Register’ button. Once we have reviewed your information you will be emailed a unique username and password which can be entered into the ‘Trade Login’ box in the top right hand corner of every page. This login information will allow you to view product codes, prices, current stock levels, prices and will allow you to place an order with us.

Please select the currency that you wish to trade with us in. We can transact and display prices in Euro's, US Dollars and Pound Sterling.

Please Note: This form will not allow you to apply for a 30 day credit account. You may only apply for a 30 day credit account after you have placed your first order with Hill Interiors.

If you have placed an order with Hill Interiors previously please do not submit another registration form, please submit a lost password request or call the office on 01845 567044.


Trade Account Form

Contact Details
Trading Address
Company Details

EORI Number

If you are purchasing goods from Hill Interiors which are to be delivered to an address within the EU or Northern Ireland then you will need to provide an Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number. This number MUST be displayed on the commercial invoice covering the movement of the goods. Without this number customs will not allow goods to enter your country.

Please also use this field if your country requires you to use any other customs identification number such as a UID number.

This field must not be used to provide a VAT registration number.

Additional Information


Hill Interiors now provide a convenient UK dropship service where we can deliver direct to your customer regardless of order value. Shipping and Handling charges are applied at checkout. To ensure that you can place Dropship orders on our website please select 'Yes' when entering. If you select 'No' and decide later that you wish to enable the dropship service then you can make the change in your 'My Account' page. View more information about our dropship service.

I agree to the terms and conditions, dropship returns policy and privacy policy

Please include me on the Hill Interiors mailing list. You will be able to change your preferences in your account at anytime